£50,000 WREN Funding Secured | Friends Of Ilkley Moor

31 March 2012:  The Friends of Ilkley Moor have received £50,000 funding from WREN, a not-for-profit business that awards grants to community projects from funds donated by Waste Recycling Environmental Group.

Tracy Gray, the Friends Project Officer said “This is wonderful news. The grant will fund the control of bracken on the lower slopes of the moor adjacent to footpaths and areas popular with the general public – Cow & Calf Rocks, and other sites of interest. Money will also be spent on work re-surfacing footpaths.  I hope to organise and supervise volunteer parties to help Bradford Council undertake the works.  This will increase the work already completed on over 1,500 metres of paths on the moor”.

Work for the project will be carried out in 2012 and 2013. The Friends of Ilkley Moor would like to thank all those groups and organisations who supported the application for the funding of this project.

From Barry Wilkinson Press Officer FOIM  Mobile 07831-505051

For more information contact Tracy Gray FOIM Project Officer 0785 444 7947

For information about WREN please contact Ben Walker 01274-833262