The Friends of Ilkley Moor Bluebell Walk | Friends Of Ilkley Moor

The first of 30 of events from the Friends of Ilkley Moor 2015 programme took place on Sunday, May 10th. It was a guided walk through Middleton Woods to see the full glory of the early summer Bluebells – led by Tracy Gray and Barry Wilkinson from the FoIM.

Walking along the eastern edges and then climbing up through the woodland, large swathes of bluebells were everywhere; it was a magnificent site to see. Such a palette of colours would have inspired artists to take out their paint brushes.

Middleton woods is an area of semi-natural ancient woodland. It is a remnant of the woodland type Oak-Birch-Bluebell and Oak is still a dominant canopy tree with many large veteran oak trees. Other large canopy trees can be found there now, including sycamore, beech and larch. Shrubs include holly, elder, hazel and hawthorn.

Whilst the main plant carpeting the wood was Bluebell, the group also saw wood anenomes, wood sorrel, dog’s mercury and lily-of-the-valley. And by the streams and within the wetter areas, patches of bog-stitchwort, wild garlic, lesser celandine and opposite, leaved golden-saxifrage.

As well as admiring the Bluebells the group learned about the names of the trees and other plant species found there; some of the past uses of the plants; woodland management and the ecology of woodlands.

Everyone had a great time on the event and looked forward to attending more events from this year’s Events and Learning Programme.

The events programme and heritage walks can be downloaded from the FOIM website or collected from Ilkley Information Centre and shops and cafes in the Town.

From Tracy Gray FOIM Project Officer.

For further information contact Tracy Gray FOIM Project Officer on 07780535860