Professor of Animal Ecology & Conservation to give a talk at FoIM AGM | Friends Of Ilkley Moor

The Friends of Ilkley Moor are delighted to announce that John Altringham, Professor of Animal Ecology & Conservation at the University of Leeds, will give a talk at the Friends’ Annual General Meeting to be held at the Clarke Foley Centre, Ilkley on the 24th of April at 7.30pm.

John Altringham has studied animals as diverse as tunas and tarantulas, and now works primarily on the ecology and conservation of bats. He has a broad interest in conservation, is a scientific advisor to the National Trust and works with many other conservation organisations. Keen to promote science and conservation to a wide audience, he is a regular advisor and contributor to BBC natural history programming. John will talk at the AGM about the management of Moorland for the benefit of people and biodiversity: What could Ilkley Moor and places like it, look like in 50 or 100 years?

See John’s photograph opposite.

From Barry Wilkinson FoIm Press Officer 07831-505051