Our Constitution | Friends Of Ilkley Moor

Our Constitution

Our Constitution

Our constitution sets out our aims and how we must organise ourselves. For a full copy of our constitution please click HERE

Our aims as set out in our constitution are as follows:

  • To restore, protect and improve Ilkley Moor, for the benefit of the environment, all those who use Ilkley Moor and those who reside in the surrounding area.
  • To assist the Council in the care and maintenance of Ilkley Moor and its wildlife, flora and recreational use.
  • To notify the Council when any hazards or problems with the area become apparent.
  • To develop projects in partnership with, or with the knowledge of the Council.
  • To apply for grants independently or in conjunction with the Council to provide materials or labour to support projects for which the Council has insufficient funding, or for which the Council is unable to provide funding.
  • To liaise with local residents and other users of Ilkley Moor in order to represent their needs and ideas.
  • To encourage all groups making recreational use of Ilkley Moor to be represented on the Charity.
  • To encourage local schools and youth organisations to use Ilkley Moor constructively for pleasure and education.
  • To encourage appreciation of the ecology and history of Ilkley Moor.
  • To publicise the Charity’s activities locally, regionally, nationally and internationally in order to encourage people to take an active part in preserving and maintaining Ilkley Moor.

Our committee

Our committee runs FOIM on a day to day basis and meets regularly (usually monthly). Committee meetings are open to members and non-members and copies of the minutes of our committee meeting are available on request from secretary@ilkleymoor.com

Our committee comprises elected officers and representatives, who are voted on every year at our AGM, and representatives of bodies with whom we work closely, together with our employed (part-time) project manager.


The current committee comprises the following elected individuals:

  • Owen Wells – Chairperson
  • Helen Kidman – Vice-chair
  • David Whitehead – Treasurer
  • Barry Wilkinson – Publicity Officer
  • Jon Copland – Membership Secretary
  • Michael Pilling – Secretary
  • Tracy Gray – Project Manager
  • Ian Condliffe
  • Nick Hunt
  • Alex Walker

The representative members are:

  • Richard Perham – City of Bradford MDC
  • Karen Shackleton – Wharfedale Naturalists

Our status

The Friends of Ilkley Moor is a registered charity under charity number 1126733. For details of our registration, our annual accounts and governance reports please go to the Charity Commission website

Our Annual General Meeting

Each year we hold an AGM (open to members and non-members) where we report on our activities over the last year, our finances, and what we will focus on over the next year and seek members approval for this.

A copy of the last year’s AGM agenda and minutes of that meeting can be accessed below: