Nature for All Project Update | Friends Of Ilkley Moor

Nature for All Project Update

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that helped to deliver The Nature for All Project in 2017.
Progress so far…….

In 2017 we delivered 43 events and training sessions for the local community to learn skills in wildlife identification and wildlife surveys.

We engaged with and worked with the following groups and organisations: Bradford Council, Natural England, the Environment Agency, the Challenge Project, LS29, Cubs, Scouts, Ashlands Primary School, Craven College, volunteers, U3A, Moors for the Future and the Wharfedale Naturalist Society.

We collected and collated biological records for plants, birds, amphibians, mammals and invertebrates. Wildlife surveys were undertaken for otters, water vole, crayfish, frogs and toads, newts and river corridor surveys.

We set up our own Esri ArcGIS (desktop, online and mobile apps), with a charitable license of £100 per year, per user.

Map layers for this have been developed for: benches, flood incidences, streams, plants, birds, mammals, invertebrates and amphibians. This data is collated to provide detailed maps. In 2018 the results will be displayed on the FoIM website (except for any data for rare, sensitive or protected species). These map layers will soon be downloadable on to mobile apps so that data can be collected in the field, and automatically synced to the FoIM Geographic Information System.

We want to hear from you…..

In 2018 we will be developing a new feature of the FoIM’s online Geographic Information Systems, for members of the FoIM. This new feature will allow people to communicate any concerns, issues or interests they have about Ilkley Moor. Where appropriate we will utilise and input this publicly sourced data to supplement our mapping. For instance, we are currently developing new map layers where people can report flood incidences and wildlife sightings. Also we have developed a map layer for the benches on Ilkley Moor, so that we can record their distribution and condition.

Plans for 2018…….

We will deliver more events and training for the local community in wildlife identification and wildlife surveys.

We are organising two big bird surveys for the moor with Bradford Ornithological Group and Wharfedale Naturalist Society. We will be collating historical records and collecting new records for birds. And based on these records we will be analysing these data to look at trends in the decline or increase in birds over time. We will be working will colleges to engage students in this project.

More data will be collected, collated and added to the GIS map layers; and in due course published on our website.

Habitat management and footpath works will be undertaken with volunteers.
An ecological report will be produced so that the results of the project can help inform management decisions for the Moor.

And finally, we will be working hard to secure more grant aid, to allow the FoIM to continue to actively help maintain and conserve the heritage of Ilkley Moor.

Tracy Gray
Project Officer, Friends of Ilkley Moor