Friends of Ilkley Moor working with local schools | Friends Of Ilkley Moor

The Friends of Ilkley Moor have been working with local schools to deliver educational activities on Ilkley Moor. On Monday, 20th May, Tracy Gray Project Officer for The Friends led a session on the Moor when over 50 pupils from Ashlands Primary School discussed how the Water Cycle effects the landscape, and were shown the various water bodies and habitats on the moor, bog, stream and tarns and their role in the water cycle.

Tracy Gray said “After the discussion the pupils then sketched an aspect of the water cycle in the landscape near the Upper Tarn. Outdoor education is a great way to learn things as they apply in the real world.”

Another session with more pupils from Ashlands Primary School took place on Wednesday, 22nd May. In June the Friends will be leading an event for Sacred Heart School looking at the plants on the moor. All sessions are linked to the National Curriculum and delivered by the Friends free of charge. If any other schools are interested please e-mail Tracy Gray at

Many other events and walks can be found in the Friends of Ilkley Moor 2013 Events & Learning Programme, which can be downloaded from the website or collected from Ilkley Information Office,shops and cafes in the Town.

Pictures show pupils sketching the landscape, and the group at the Upper Tarn. Photographs by Barry Wilkinson/Friends of Ilkley Moor

From Barry Wilkinson FOIM Publicity Officer Mobile 07831-505051

For further information contact Tracy Gray FOIM Project Officer 07854-447947