The Golden Mattock On Tuesday 18th March about 30 volunteers were up on Heber’s Moss. Planting sphagnum plugs. Although this is the first time for a while that we have had so many volunteers on the Moor at the same time, it seems appropriate to devote a Newsletter to...

Press Releases
Events Press Release to the Ilkley Gazette
Throughout the year we send out regular press releases to help publicise our activities. During our Events and Learning Programme, which runs from April to October, we are sending out press releases every month and sometimes weekly! Here is an example of one we sent...
Members will be aware that we have a track record of finding excellent and inspiring speakers for our AGMs. This year is no exception. We are very fortunate to have obtained the services of a highly experienced ecologist, Dr Peter Welsh Exciting Opportunities to...
Visitor Centre Consultation
Bradford Tourism Consultation Bradford is conducting a review of its Visitor Information Centres. It commissioned a report from Team Tourism Consulting. A cynic, reading the report, might suppose that the review had been commissioned to arrive at a predetermined...
Sixth Events and Learning Programme
The Friends of Ilkley Moor have published their sixth Events and Learning Programme, which has proved very popular since the formation of the Friends in April 2008. The Programme contains over twenty events starting in May to September ranging from Bat Spotting, Pond...
First two Events of the Friends of Ilkley Moor
The first two events of The Friends of Ilkley Moor took place on Sunday the 12 May. Birds of the High Moor walk started at 9am, when a few enthusiasts braved a cold south westerly wind to reach The Twelve Apostles spotting Curlews, Lapwings, Meadow and Tree Pipits and...
Moorland Flower & Plants Walk
Good weather helped to make a successful Friends of Ilkley Moor moorland flower and plants walk. The ninth event in this years Events & Learning Programme, the walk led by Bruce Brown from the Wharfedale Naturalist Society, covered detailed information of flowers...
Work Has Started To Restore Damage to Moor
After damage done during filming of Emmerdale TV soap, restoration work has begun to re-surface the track from opposite the Cow & Calf Hotel and the footpath route leading towards Backstone Beck, a total length of approximately 500 metres. The total cost of the...
£50,000 WREN Funding Secured
31 March 2012: The Friends of Ilkley Moor have received £50,000 funding from WREN, a not-for-profit business that awards grants to community projects from funds donated by Waste Recycling Environmental Group. Tracy Gray, the Friends Project Officer said “This is...
“Blowing our own Trumpet”
The Friends of Ilkley Moor are celebrating their fifth anniversary. Since their inception they have published four Events and Learning Programmes with the help of the programmes the Friends Project Officer Tracy Gray has oraganised over eighty events including Bat and...
Three Hundred and Seventy Metres of Pathway Renovated
Bradford Council Countryside Service Team have restored and resurfaced 370 metres of pathway through Heber’s Ghyll Wood. Workers from the Countryside Service Team, assisted by volunteers, also carried our improvements to the drainage, and erected new wood benches on...
‘Treasure Hunt’ on Ilkley Moor
Children and adults discovered Ilkley Moor through a geocaching event on Saturday the 13th. The event was carried out in partnership by the Friends of Ilkley Moor and Pennine Prospects. One of twenty events organised by the Friends from May to September. Geocaching is...