News & Blog Archives - Friends Of Ilkley Moor

News & Blog

November Newsletter – On being useful

November Newsletter – On being useful

We have long taken pride in the fact that FoIM is probably the biggest and best supported ‘Friends’ organisation in the area. Quite how this came about is something of a mystery to me, but it does mean that we are well provided with equipment and with highly...

October Newsletter – Flailbot

October Newsletter – Flailbot

Bracken control has always been in the forefront of our thoughts. Concern about bracken was the primary reason for the foundation of FoIM, but as members will know, it is an extremely hardy plant and control is very very difficult. Aerial spraying with Asulox is...

Bracken Control on Ilkley Moor

Bracken Control on Ilkley Moor

The issue of bracken control was raised at our most recent Committee Meeting. Those of us who have been members of FoIM for a long time will remember that it was the issue of bracken on the Moor that first led to the creation of FoIM. We realise that many more recent...

Ilkley Moor and Climate Change

Ilkley Moor and Climate Change

Ilkley Moor and Climate Change/Climate Emergency There is general agreement that unless we all take immediate radical steps to reduce our carbon emissions, we are likely to experience potentially catastrophic climate changes that will have a profound effect on our...

Ilkley Moor Breeding Birds Survey

Ilkley Moor Breeding Birds Survey

We approached Bradford Ornithological Group (BOG) to request if a survey of the “upper slopes” of Ilkley Moor could be made to establish the bird species that breed there. And we are pleased that BOG was able to oblige. We would like to share their findings. The...

Fire Danger on the Moor

Fire Danger on the Moor

With the current extremely hot, dry weather we are enjoying, comes the increased risk of wildfire on the Moor. You will have seen the recent footage from Saddleworth Moor and we do not want the same situation on Ilkley Moor. Many of you will be out and about on the...

Christmas Message

Christmas Message

Whereas New Year is undoubtedly a time for looking forward, Christmas is perhaps a time to look back and reflect on what we have achieved in the last year…. Meetings with our MP It is a pleasure to be able to tell you that our current MP, John Grogan, unlike his...



Members will be aware that we have a track record of finding excellent and inspiring speakers for our AGMs. This year is no exception. We are very fortunate to have obtained the services of a highly experienced ecologist, Dr Peter Welsh Exciting Opportunities to...