Become a Member | Friends Of Ilkley Moor


It’s really easy to support Friends of Ilkley Moor

Without our membership Friends of Ilkley Moor would not exist. Our members not only provide us with valuable funds that enable us to carry out our work on the Moor, but they also lend us authority and influence when we seek to raise further funding or lobby for change.

Our membership options

If you want to join as a member our annual subscriptions are:

individual Membership – £15

Family Membership – £20

Unwaged Membership – £5

Corporate Membership – £60

Or make a donation of your choice

Ways to support us…

Pay by card

You can use our PayPal Portal to Become a Member, Renew your Membership or leave a Donation to support our cause.

Set up a standing order or send a cheque

Simply download, print off and complete the Membership Form, which includes a standing order section or include an enclosed cheque with your form.

Pay by Card

Single Year Membership

Membership Options

Recurring Membership

Membership Options

Pay by cheque or set up a standing order

Please download, print off, complete and return this membership form (Our address is on the form), along with your membership fee. You can do this as a standing order or a cheque along with your Membership form.

Six reasons why you should join the Friends of Ilkley Moor


You will be joining a democratic organisation devoted to preserving Yorkshire’s most iconic open space.


You will receive regular Newsletters about our activities.


You will have the opportunity to influence our priorities and policies.


You will have the opportunity to join our volunteer work parties – why join a gym when you can come and get fit for free in the open air.


You will receive notification of our educational events – they have included bat spotting, fungus identification, mapping carved rocks, geology and archeology walks.


You will be part of a dynamic, forward looking organisation that has so far raised about £180,000 to protect and conserve our Moor.