AGM 2012 | Friends Of Ilkley Moor

The Friends of Ilkley Moor had an outstandingly successful AGM at the Clarke Foley Centre last Friday. Approximately 100 members attended out of a total membership of 475. Owen Wells, Chair of FoIM said “For a small voluntary organisation to be able to attract over 20% of its total membership to an AGM is an astonishing success.” At the meeting in his Chair’s Report, Owen Wells drew attention to the extraordinary amount of money that FoIM has raised in it’s first five years – in round figures £180,000. This year FoIM has obtained a number of grants, the largest being £50,000 WREN funding. Owen Wells told the meeting about the projects for path improvements, bracken spraying and the educational programme on which the money will be spent this year. The meeting was held enthralled by a talk on the Rocks and Landscapes of Ilkley Moor delivered by Alison Tymon from the Yorkshire Geological Trust. The existing committee was voted in for a further twelve months. During the meeting members were able to question the committee on the work of FoIM and raised such diverse issues as rhododendron control, the shoot, mountain biking, fire damage to the Moor and bracken control. Afterwards members enjoyed wine and cheese and socialised with the committee. From Barry Wilkinson FOIM Press Officer Mobile 07831-505051 For further information contact Owen Wells (Chair) 01943-602270